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BSCI Code of Conduct

TUEsday - 21/06/2011 15:30
BSCI Code of Conduct

BSCI Code of Conduct

The BSCI Code of Conduct is based on the most important international labour standards protecting the workers’ rights such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions and other important Declarations of the United Nations, the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises and the UN Global Compact.

The members are requested to disseminate the BSCI Code of Conduct both internally and in their supply chain to inform employees and suppliers about the company’s dedication to social compliance and the BSCI development approach. This step ensures that all parties in the company and its supply chain are informed about their responsibility in the process. In doing so BSCI Members express their wish to do business with suppliers who take social responsibility seriously.

The BSCI Code of Conduct is available at: http://www.bsci-intl.org/resources/code-of-conduct

Source: http://www.bsci-intl.org

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